Sunday, September 09, 2007

Craig a Hypocrite?

Democrats Use It… But Do They Use It Properly

Sen. Craig, is he a hypocrite? This is a point made by Dennis Prager.

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Dennis Prager

So when a Democrat says because Sen. Craig was looking for homosexual sex and this makes him a hypocrite because he supported the “Family Values” position of not supporting the “gay agenda” in their goal of same-sex marriage, here is a great set of propositions and questions to ask "said Democrat."

  • So you know, I believe that Sen. Craig was trying to commit an immoral act and that he should resign because he should want what’s best for America and not for himself mainly because he cannot be trusted in his personal life, therefore he cannot be trusted in his political life… this aside, what makes him a hypocrite?

What do you do with the many people who are homosexual but have come out publicly stating that we should not change the definition of marriage? Are they hypocrites? If you have same-sex sex, does this mean you have to support the “gay-agenda?”

If a heterosexual supports the “gay-agenda,” does this mean he or she is a hypocrite? Does a heterosexual who supports the “heterosexual-agenda” make him a “homo-phobe?” I know a few Republican homosexuals who do not want the definition of marriage changed, does this make them “homo-phobes?” Or does it make them hypocrites?

Great points to ponder. Prager also points out that the dictionary definition of what a hypocrite is does not fit what we really experience in day-to-day life.