Thursday, December 06, 2007

Mitt for President? Great Speach by Mitt

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As a person who has studied Mormonism for twenty years, this doesn’t come easy. What doesn’t come easy? being able to support a Mormon in the position of the presidency. Some commentary of the matter swayed me a bit… one commentator mentioned that some of our Founders and Presidents were Unitarian. Unitarians have “cultish” views of the Deity of Christ in my mind’s eye. But these men that helped found this nation were exemplary politicians:

John Adams,

Thomas Jefferson,

John Quincy Adams,

Millard Fillmore

and William Taft.

Another comment about it is that from the Mormon belief comes a marrying of the American principles and culture, especially that of conservative principles. This is another argument FOR him as Presidency. I enjoin those who visit to listen to his speech and consider voting for him with a clear conscious… his “exultation” aside… which is a future event.