Heads on a stick! John and Ken are must listen to as of late. Every Republican in the state must come out and vote NO on prop 1A in May! Again, NO on prop 1A!
California Proposition 1A, also known as the Budget Stabilization Act, will appear on the special, statewide May 19 ballot in California as part of a package that state legislators believe will fix the state's budget problems.
Proposition 1A will extend for as long as four years the approximately $16 billion tax increase that is part of the budget deal struck in Sacramento.
California state government's full-time work force continues to grow despite Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger's order to freeze hiring amid a historic budget shortfall.
From June 2008 to February 2009, most state agencies either increased or kept the same number of full-time employees, according to a Bee analysis of personnel data. The state also failed to lay off as many part-time employees during the crisis as promised by the governor.
While legislators and Schwarzenegger debated how to close a $40 billion budget deficit, 66 state agencies saw a net gain of full-time employees, 35 kept the same number of employees and 55 lost employees, data from the state controller's office show.
The overall number of full-time state employees increased by roughly 2,000, or 1 percent, excluding the Department of Forestry and Fire Protection, or Cal Fire, which always shrinks sharply outside of fire season, the figures show.....