Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Answering Muslims Import -- On Thanksgiving, Give Thanks You Are Not An Independent Woman in an Islamic Country

Wherever Islam goes, massive human rights violations are sure to follow. Muslims can make all the excuses they want, but the pattern is indisputable.

Saira Liaqat--Burned with acid for refusing to live with her husband before finishing school (holding a picture of what she looked like before she was attacked)

Naila Farhat--Burned with acid for refusing to marry someone

Zainab Bibi--Burned with acid for refusing to marry someone

Munira Asef--Burned with acid for refusing to marry someone

Shameem Akhter--Burned with acid by three boys who gang-raped her

Irum Saeed--Burned with acid for refusing to marry someone

Why do Muslims keep telling us that the veil protects women? Why do Muslims keep telling us that the spread of Islam will help the West?

For more on the women in these pictures (and other women burned by acid in Muslim countries), click here.