Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Self-Refuting Political Attacks

Conservative women need not apply. Only Liberal women who do not think work and family need to be separated. (Weird line of attack.)

By, Carey Roberts

Obama Hitches his Wagon to the Radical Feminist Agenda

2008-05-05 at 4:33 pm · Filed under Vox Populi

Barack Obama has a habit of hanging out with flamethrowers who espouse radical causes. There’s Obama’s long-time associate, former Weatherman William Ayers, who once boasted, “I don’t regret setting bombs…I feel we didn’t do enough.”

And Rev. Jeremiah Wright, Obama’s spiritual mentor, who has defended the notion that Zionism is racism, compared white kids to “rocks,” and propounded the theory that the government invented AIDS to kill off Black folks.

Last week Obama finally decided he had heard enough and rebuked the Raging Reverend, calling his latest rant “divisive and destructive” and “giving comfort to those who prey on hate.”

Then there’s Mr. Obama’s embrace of radical feminism. Like Rev. Wright’s black liberation ideology, the core of feminism is a dogmatic belief in a malevolent, all-pervasive conspiracy that renders its victims helpless. Call it capitalism or the patriarchy, the effect is the same.

And just as Jeremiah Wright spews his hatred for American society, feminists blame every unpleasantness on the alleged shortcomings of men.

This past Thursday New York Times columnist Gail Collins indulged in her latest anti-male diatribe: “Men with egos are, of course, the central topic this week.” Every roadbump in the campaigns of the two Democratic challengers, Collins insists, can be blamed on those nincompoopish, self-centered men.

It comes as an enormous relief, I’m sure, to learn that Hillary Clinton and Nancy Pelosi don’t suffer from inflated egos.

Let’s take a look at the issues the National Organization for Women is pushing — www.now.org/issues/ — and then compare them with the Women for Obama website:


(Both bear a remarkable resemblance to the women’s platform of the Community Party of the USA – but that’s another story.)

As you can see, Sen. Obama is marching lock-step with the radical feminist agenda, pretty much from A to Z:

  • Abortion: Obama endorses the entire abortion package, including partial birth abortion. The National Abortion Rights Action League gave Obama a perfect 100% score over the last three years.
  • Child Support: Obama wants to spend $4.9 billion over 10 years to throw more low-income dads in jail. That will force more single moms onto the welfare rolls. Makes a lot of sense, doesn’t it?
  • Contraception: Obama wants to expand teenager’s access to contraception. Remember last month’s comment that he didn’t want his daughters to be “punished” with a baby?
  • Domestic Violence: The democratic candidate believes that women are never violent towards their husbands. (I guess Hillary laying tracks on Bill’s face and singer Amy Winehouse beating up her hubbie don’t count.)
  • Gender Wage Gap: Barack insists discrimination is the reason why women chose to work fewer hours than men, and that needs to be fixed with stronger enforcement of the Equal Pay Act.
  • Math and Science: Women hold only 12% of science and engineering jobs in business and industry. More proof of the patriarchy keeping women down.
  • Title IX: Obama wants to continue Clinton-era policies that impose government-enforced quotas on men’s participation in college athletics.
  • Women-Owned Businesses: Female-owned businesses are more likely to have their loan applications denied. Didn’t I tell you discrimination lurks everywhere?
  • Women’s Health: Obama wants to fund the separate-and-unequal “Centers of Excellence in Women’s Health” that turn away uninsured men with serious medical problems.

And then there’s the matter of Michelle Obama. An intelligent and charming woman, I’m certain. But is she First Lady material? I have my doubts.

At a New York fundraiser, she tweaked the Illinois senator for not “putting his socks actually in the dirty clothes” – a necessary qualification, we know, for every man who one day hopes to become president.

And at a Hollywood event, Mrs. Obama uttered this derisive remark: “I am always a little amazed at the response that people get when they hear from Barack. A great man, a wonderful man. But still a man.”

But still a man? Somehow this reminds me of the patronizing attitude that once galvanized the civil rights movement.

Michelle continued, “And then there’s the Barack Obama that lives with me in my house, and that guy’s a little less than impressive.”

Lives with me in my house? That’s right, Barack was a waif who showed up one day on Michelle’s doorstep. He should be appreciative.

“For some reason this guy still can’t manage to put the butter up when he makes the toast, secure the bread so that it doesn’t get stale, and his 5-year-old daughter is still better at making the bed than he is.”

Barack Obama, the latest hen-pecked Democratic candidate who has pretensions of becoming the next Leader of the Free World.