Thursday, September 04, 2008

KKK Hit List Card

In 1868, the Klan in South Carolina issued a push-card about the size of a baseball card. 155 It pictured 63 "Radicals"; they were all Republicans. (The Democrats called Repub­licans "radicals" because the Republican Party was bi-racial and allowed blacks to vote and to participate in the political process, 116 thus making them "radical" in the eyes of Democrats.) Of the 63 "Radicals" — or Republicans — in the South Carolina legislature, 50 were black and 13 white.
The South wanting to succeed were democrats that left Congress and started (tried to start) a country. The democrats that stayed in Congress were segregationists. The Dread Scott decision was decided by a majority that was Democratic. The officials standing in front of schools in the 60's saying they do not want segregation were democrats.
I suggest all here to read the short very readable book Setting the Record Straight: America in Black & White.