Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Some Thoughts on Obama

I am passing on a couple of my reasons why I would caution others not to vote for Obama. I would ask others to consider these reasons in an informed manner, adding them to your list of evidences to vote for-or-against a candidate.

Some may not know about some of the recent debate swirling around Obama and his stance on abortion, probably because they/you do not follow pop-politics like myself (which may be a good thing). I will link first to a nurse’s testimony that held one of these babies that was aborted alive and left to doe in a hospital linen room. (It is 5 and a half minutes long.)


This video is also on my site with a few others (Norma McCorvey’s ad [of Jane Roe fame], as well as a woman who survived an abortion attempt – she gives her story) as well as audio of Obama arguing against this bill in Illinois:


I would also caution against voting for a guy who went to a church who gave a life-time achievement award to a guy that claims he was taken up in a UFO where the founder of the Nation of Islam and Jesus told him he was the little messiah. The same person teaches that an evil scientist on the island of Cyprus created the white man 6,000 years ago.

I have gone to the same church for 10 years. If my pastor gave David Duke a "lifetime achievement award" and the KKK attended my church (like members of the New Black Panther Party attends Obama's church and Farrakhan was given that “life time achievement award”) and David Duke was given three full cover shots on my church's magazine cover like Farrakhan was given at Obama's church, even put on a cover with Farrakhan, I would leave immediately... after having some choice words with my pastor of course.



Thank you for taking time at home or at work (I would recommend watching these videos at home) to consider another point of view on a matter that you may have already solidified in your mind’s eye.

Thank You Again,
