Thursday, August 28, 2008

Biden Rejection

....On the same show, Biden claimed to have once told a colleague: “Were we not senators, I’d rip your goddamn Adam’s apple out.”

Although he did not name the other senator, Biden’s graphic imagery caused some to wonder about his temperament.

Biden also used unusually strong language to ridicule those who believe in creationism or intelligent design.

“I refuse to believe the majority of people believe this malarkey!” the senior senator from Delaware exclaimed.

But less than six months earlier, CBS News conducted a poll that found a majority of Americans (51 percent) do believe that God created humans in their present form. Even larger majorities reject the theory of evolution, according to the poll.

After the HBO show ended, a reporter asked Biden whether his dismissal of a belief held dear by most Americans might come back to haunt him if his White House bid gained traction.

With characteristic bluntness, Biden shrugged and said yes.