Thursday, February 14, 2008

Crazy Liberals/Democrats - Vote McCain! (he's the best RHINO we have!)

The Best Reason You Should Vote Republican!

Our Military

Thanks: Hot Air (props)

And, Culture Warrior 77

(By-the-by, I am telling my boys that if they are going to join the military that they have to drive up to Berkley and join at the offices up there.)

Democrat Senator blocks new move to pass Semper Fi Act

From the days of Bill Clinton burning a U.S. Flag in Red Square to dodge the draft, to Hillary Clintons anti-police officer tyrades -- to -- Barak Hussein Obama’s racist church that believes all sorts of conspiracies about the white man and the Jew, whom would you rather have in office, someone who respects our men and women in uniform, or the base of a party that is well represented below?

This is the base of the Democratic Party! (“Military Complex,” please! “Police State,” what a farce!)

RAW footage of the above

More RAW footage: (“Religious fanatics, … Hitler, ….holocaust, criminal war, … when democrats take sides with religious fanatics who do not believe in evolution…” – can all be heard here)

Some Commentary on the matter (you have to get past his speaking impediment/Jersey speak)