Saturday, September 22, 2007

Bill Maher Defends Israel

Michael Scheuer

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I mentioned it before, I mention it again… Michaels anti-Semitism is getting ever more present. Ninety-percent of Iraqi’s do not look favorably on Bin Laden, Michael Scheuer said maybe they do not look favorably on him but they do on his organization. He doesn’t know that, but he has to push that, otherwise his book sales go down. Because if that premise fails, that is, that the Middle-East supports terrorists like Bin Laden (after seeing the good we are doing in Iraq), then his whole career is out the window!

I have blogged on this guy already (see: Insert Democrats Where It Says Obama), but I think the video will support y contention. Don’t Enjoy. While Bill Maher says the 90% surprised him, I was surprised by Bills support for Israel. Bravo!