Monday, October 13, 2008

Violence from the Left

I want any readers here to head over to Michelle Malkin’s site where she has a more in-depth version of what I posted here. She has photos of people arrested for vandalizing republican voter property, she has bumper stickers that are violent by the Left, as well as two of the videos below. I did find (last night) a video that shows the hatred of the Left that Malkin doesn’t have yet... although I did e-mail the link to her. This is in response to the Left saying that McCain rallies are “violent” or “racist,” a dumb charge. As always with the Left, there is a LANGUAGE WARNING:

McCain rally upper west side:

Madonna To Sarah Palin "I Will Kick Her Ass:”

This is insane rage — Sandra Bernhard bashing Sarah Palin and cursing her head off with hate warping her crazed face: