Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Clinton and the Housing Mess

(A CYA Moment?)

A reader found this and past it on to me. I have a lot of invoking by the leaders of the Democrats that Bush (and yes, evenReagan) are responsible for the housing market mess we are in. It has already been shown that Republicans -- not Democrats -- were the ones wanting to reign in Fannie and Freddie. That aside, there may now be a connection to Bill Clinton in this matter. You see, the Left believes that many things are a right found in the Constitution (abortion rights, health-care, welfare, etc), except owning guns (which is in the Constitution). Here is a snippet from that article:

Remarks on the National Homeownership Strategy

June 5, 1995

By William Jefferson Clinton

....But we can guarantee to people that we're going to empower them to help themselves. We'll make homeownership more accessible. We'll make lifetime education and training more accessible. We'll make the things that make life work for people who are trying to do the best they can for themselves there. We have to begin with the basic things that make it worth doing.

As the Vice President and I said in a book we put out in the election campaign in 1992, our economic strategy includes a commitment to work to provide decent, safe, affordable homes to all Americans, and to do it with an alliance of the public and private sector.

I want to say this one more time, and I want to thank again all the people here from the private sector who have worked with Secretary Cisneros on this: Our homeownership strategy will not cost the taxpayers one extra cent. It will not require legislation. It will not add more Federal programs or grow Federal bureaucracy.

It's 100 specific actions that address the practical needs of people who are trying to build their own personal version of the American dream, to help moderate income families who pay high rents but haven't been able to save enough for a downpayment, to help lower income working families who are ready to assume the responsibilities of homeownership but held back by mortgage costs that are just out of reach, to help families who have historically been excluded from homeownership....