These blogs are more geared towards any Christian readers than skeptics or new age (Eastern philosophies) type thinkers. For my Christian readers, a good site is Hal Lindsey’s site. He has some interesting insights from his 40-years of studying this stuff.
Here is some more fodder for my “Pet Hypothesis” about Obama (see the tag below called Wild-Eyed Claims Based in Nothing More Than Opinion). This “person of perdition” will seemingly come out against
I have said it before and I will say it again. A honkey (a white boy) is not going to be able to (in the eyes of the Arabs at least) be able to broker any kind of peace. A Bush or a McCain will not hold much sway over the hearts and minds of the Arab people. It has to be someone who is closer in ideology and race to the Middle Eastern man than 12.9% of the world population.
This person will also have to at some point claim to be “God” while standing in the finished Jewish Temple or the
Bush would never say such a thing nor has he ever had people around him that do, neither does McCain. Obama, however, does… interesting! At least to my hypothesis.
So below is an article that many who enjoy the study of eschatology may find interesting to say the least.
Again, I do not hope to make people think that Obama is the anti-Christ. I myself highly doubt it. But I do wish to note he has more of the qualifiers than the wild-eyed version of what the left has in mind, that is, a small government, anti-U.N., pro-Israel, attendee of a church that worships Thee Creator and only Divine person of God (in Jesus Christ), conservative could never be an “anti-Christ. A person who believes in socialism, wants to increase the power and scope of government control, wants a world-tax, supports a world-governing body, believes they have the “spark of the divine” in them, rejects man’s fallen nature, believes “gods” Kingdome can be set up here by mna, and the like, will be more in-line with what a dictator (historically at least) will be.. a Conservative could never sit in the temple and declare him or herself to be God because they believe there is only one God. I will even venture to say that every person I see in the New Age book section and astrology/tarot card area that believe they are part of a higher conciouseness is not a conservative but vote democratic or more left. Obama’s entourage, however believe two things: the
Palestinians have long demanded the "right of return" for millions of "refugees," a formula Israeli officials across the political spectrum warn is code for
In a conference call last month with Jewish and Israeli media aimed primarily at dispelling Internet reports he is anti-Israel, Obama stated "Palestinian refugees" belong in their own state and do not have a "literal" right of return to Israel.
"We cannot move forward until there is some confidence that the Palestinians are able to provide the security apparatus that would prevent constant attacks against
But in the 1990s Obama was a speaker at events in
Ali Abunimah, a Chicago-based Palestinian-American activist and co-founder of Electronic Intifada, a pro-Palestinian online publication, recalls introducing Obama at one such event, a 1999 fundraiser for the Deheisha Palestinian camp in the
Abunimah is also a harsh critic of
"I knew Barack Obama for many years as my state senator – when he used to attend events in the Palestinian community in
"I remember personally introducing [Obama] onstage in 1999, when we had a major community fundraiser for the community center in Deheisha refugee camp in the occupied
Abunimah also was recently quoted saying that until a few years ago, Obama was "quite frank that the
Abunimah noted Obama's unusual stance toward
'Critical of
Abunimah previously described meeting with Obama at a fundraiser at the home of
"[Obama]came with his wife. That's where I had a chance to really talk to him," Abunimah recalled. "It was an intimate setting. He convinced me he was very aware of the issues [and] critical of
Obama's campaign headquarters did not reply to an e-mail request seeking comment on his fundraising activities for Palestinians.
Abunimah serves on the board of the Arab American Action Network, or AAAN, a controversial Arab group that mourns the establishment of
WND reported yesterday the Woods Fund, a Chicago-based nonprofit on which Obama served as a paid director alongside a confessed domestic terrorist, provided $75,000 in grants to the AAAN.
The co-founder of AAAN is
'Very active' terror apparatus
Obama's 1999 fundraising for the Palestinian Deheisha camp raised the eyebrows of one senior Israeli security official who was contacted yesterday for comment on the issue. The official, who was not aware of Obama's fundraising, noted Deheisha, which is located near the city of
Two of the most deadly suicide bombings in 2002 also were planned from Deheisha, where the suicide bombers originated, said the security official. On one such bombing, in March of that year, 11 people were killed and over 50 injured, four critically when a Deheisha bomber detonated his explosives next to a group of Jewish women waiting with their baby carriages for their husbands to leave a nearby synagogue.
The question of so-called Palestinian refugees is a sensitive one for supporters of
When Arab countries attacked the Jewish state after its creation in 1948, some 725,000 Arabs living within
While most Jewish refugees were absorbed by
There are currently about 4 million Arabs who claim Palestinian refugee status with the U.N., including children and grandchildren of the original fleeing Arabs; Arabs living full-time in
Other cases of worldwide refugees aided by the U.N. are handled through the international body's High Commission for Refugees, which seeks to settle the refugees quickly, usually in countries other than those from which they fled.
The U.N. created a special agency – the United Nations Relief and Works Agency, or UNRWA – specifically to handle registered Palestinian refugees. It's the only refugee case handled by the U.N. in which the declared refugees are housed and maintained in camps for generations instead of facilitating the refugees' resettlement elsewhere.
The U.N. officially restricts the definition of refugee status worldwide for nationalities outside the Palestinian arena to those who fled a country of nationality or habitual residence due to persecution, who are unable to return to their place of residence and who have not yet been resettled. Future generations of original refugees are not included in the U.N.'s definition of refugees.
But the U.N. uses a different set of criteria only when defining a Palestinian refugee – allowing future generations to be considered refugees; terming as refugees those Arabs who have been resettled in other countries, such as hundreds of thousands in Jordan; removing the clause requiring persecution; and removing the clause requiring a refugee to be fleeing his or her "country of nationality or habitual residence."
Palestinian leaders, including Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas, routinely refer to the "right of return," claiming the declared right is mandated by the U.N. But the two U.N. resolutions dealing with the refugee issue recommend that
Obama worked with terrorist
Obama's advocacy on behalf of Palestinians comes after WND reported yesterday the presidential candidate served on the board of the Woods Fund alongside William C. Ayers, a member of the Weathermen terrorist group which sought to overthrow of the
Ayers, who still serves on the Woods Fund board, contributed $200 to Obama's senatorial campaign fund and has served on panels with Obama at numerous public speaking engagements. Ayers admitted to involvement in the bombings of
Ayers has boasted of his involvement with the Weathermen terror group's bombings of the
"I don't regret setting bombs. I feel we didn't do enough," Ayers told the New York Times in an interview released Sept. 11, 2001
"Everything was absolutely ideal on the day I bombed the Pentagon," Ayers wrote in his memoirs, titled "Fugitive Days." He continued with a disclaimer that he didn't personally set the bombs, but his group set the explosives and planned the attack.
A $200 campaign contribution is listed April 2, 2001, by the "Friends of Barack Obama" campaign fund. The two appeared as speakers together at several public events, including a 1997 University of Chicago panel entitled, "Should a child ever be called a 'super predator?'" and another panel for the University of Illinois in April 2002, entitled, "Intellectuals: Who Needs Them?"
The charges against Ayers were dropped in 1974 because of prosecutorial misconduct, including illegal surveillance.
Ayers is married to another notorious Weathermen terrorist, Bernadine Dohrn, who also has served on panels with Obama. Dohrn was once on the FBI's Top 10 Most Wanted List and was described by J. Edgar Hoover as the "most dangerous woman in
Obama adviser wants talks with terrorists
Last month WND quoted Israeli security officials who expressed "concern" about Robert Malley, an adviser to Obama who has advocated negotiations with Hamas and providing international assistance to the terrorist group.
Malley, a principal Obama foreign policy adviser, has penned numerous opinion articles, many of them co-written with a former adviser to the late Palestinian Authority President Yasser Arafat, petitioning for dialogue with Hamas and blasting
Malley also previously penned a well-circulated New York Review of Books piece largely blaming Israel for the collapse of the Israeli-Palestinian negotiations at Camp David in 2000 when Arafat turned down a Palestinian state in the West Bank, Gaza and eastern sections of Jerusalem and instead returned to the Middle East to launch an intifada, or terrorist campaign, against the Jewish state.
Malley's contentions have been strongly refuted by key participants at Camp David, including President Bill Clinton, then-Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak and primary