and its Communist Ties
This is why many on the Left liked the Petraeus ad that put in the paper; they are a Marxist linked group. And anyone knows of course that Marxists like propaganda. So when a Marxist connected group puts out a “political ad,” all the propagandists start to blog on how true it is… when we all really know that Petraeus was passing on the positive info that truly happened since the surge, see the following two pages from a larger article found in the September 24th edition of the National Review:
Click on the scans to enlarge… again to make even clearer
But these facts do not matter to the Marxian politics imbued in the people and their affiliates, whom George Soros gives money to all of them in one form or another. I will post just a few pages from a great book entitled Radical Road Maps, one of the only books from World Net Daily (props) that I enjoyed:
I think this will better explain the ad below from YouTube that shows who is really in the driver seat of the Democratic Party. The Left can sugar coat their intentions all they want, but their deep connections to Marxist philosophy is coming to fruition:
The Lefties of the world need to make a choice, support propaganda like the Petraeus ad put out by a known Marxist front group, or stand up for our men and women in the uniform. The choice is theirs.