Wednesday, May 02, 2007

H.R. 1592

As soon as the Democrats get power… look

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"Last week the House Judiciary Committee, egged on by radical homosexual groups, passed what can only be called a Thought Crimes bill," said former White House insider Chuck Colson in his Breakpoint commentary. "It's called the Local Law Enforcement Hate Crimes Prevention Act. But this bill is not about hate. It's not even about crime. It's about outlawing peaceful speech – speech that asserts that homosexual behavior is morally wrong."

The call for the veto promise came from leaders at Concerned Women for America, who said they have written to the president with their request, because Congress is poised to approve H.R. 1592 as early as today….

…."Some say we need this law to prevent attacks on homosexuals. But we already have laws against assaults on people and property," Colson continued. "Moreover, according to the FBI, crimes against homosexuals in the United States have dropped dramatically in recent years. In 2005, out of 863,000 cases of aggravated assault, just 177 cases were crimes of bias against homosexuals"

He noted, as WND earlier reported, that in other locations, such as England, Sweden, Canada, and even Philadelphia, where similar laws have been approved, the "Thought Police" already have prosecuted Christians.

In Philadelphia, a grandmother was hauled to jail and threatened with 47 years in prison for proclaiming her Christianity on a public street.

Faith2Action has launched a series of ads, which can be viewed at about the concerns.

One Philadelphia woman, Arlene Elshinnawy, 75, and grandmother of three, was holding a sign: "Truth is hate to those who hate the truth," before she was hauled off by police officers.

"If this dangerous law passes, pastors who preach sermons giving the biblical view of homosexuality could be prosecuted. Christian businessmen who refuse to print pro-gay literature could be prosecuted. Groups like Exodus International, which offer therapy to those with unwanted same-sex attraction, could be shut down," Colson warned. "In classic 1984 fashion, peaceful speech will be redefined as a violent attack worthy of punishment."

He said that's known because during debate over the plan, U.S. Rep. Mike Pence, R-Ind., offered an amendment to assure that the law would not be used to limit the religious freedom of any person or group, and majority Democrats on the committee refused it.

"It also refused to adopt amendments protecting other groups from hate crimes – like members of the military, who are often targets of verbal attacks and spitting. They also shot down amendments that would protect the homeless and senior citizens. Nothing doing, the committee said – the only group they wanted to protect: homosexuals."

"Clearly, the intent of this law is not to prevent crime, but to shut down freedom of speech, freedom of religion, and freedom of thought," he said.

Matt Barber, CWA's policy director for cultural issues, said such narrow focus by Democrats makes clear "the exclusionary and discriminatory nature of this bill."

The concerns also were echoed by Peter LaBarbera of Americans for Truth.

"This is really about getting the heavy hand of the federal government in promoting homosexuality as a 'civil right,'" he said.

WND Article

This is serious stuff. While the Left is worried about a guy who has ties to McVey and tried to blow up airliners from not getting a speedy trial, they are actually silencing religious thought.

Some Example both Here & Abroad of People being Arrested for Thought Crimes

A book I recommend is one written by a pro-choice lesbian, it is below:

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