Solar Power
Not So Simple an Answer
Okay, this is posted for a friend/family member to learn more about what it costs to pursue renewable energy. Let me say that if I had a pool, I would probably purchase a solar heater to assist in heating that pool. But that would be about my only solar purchase. The impact on the environment beyond that small renewable footprint is too great. Let’s start out with a small renewable energy plant using Solar Power. Assume we want to make a 1000 MegaWatt station, what special and non-renewable energy sources would we need to accomplish such a goal?
We would need an approximate space of about 127 sq miles for a solar plant. This would have a huge impact on both animal and plant environments… even in the desert. Another aspect is this: energy is required to manufacture and install solar components, and any fossil fuels used for this purpose will generate emissions. Thus, an important question is how much fossil energy input is required for solar systems.
Another problem is raised when considering “renewable energy”: the manufacturing of photovoltaic cells often requires hazardous materials such as arsenic and cadmium. Even relatively inert silicon, a major material used in solar cells, can be hazardous to workers if it is breathed in as dust. Workers involved in manufacturing photovoltaic modules and components must consequently be protected from exposure to these materials. After the solar panels or mirrors are used beyond their life, what impact do these materials have on the environment?
Again, the big concerns seem to be moderately high energy costs to build solar panels, and considerable toxic waste exposure issues in making and disposing of solar panels. By the European Union's estimate, these are greater concerns than nuclear waste or nuclear accidents.
Another aspect is this: is man contributing to Global Warming by fossil fuels? Most probably, but not any amount that should concern the average Joe. The sun’s 1,500-year (or so) cyclical variance has for mankind’s history been the real culprit behind these changes in Global temperatures. Volcanoes have more of an impact of green house gases than man could ever fathom to scheme. Is man causing global warming on Mars and Saturn? No. But it is happening there.
Keep in mind as well that big cities are a source for global warming fears. Mirrors all over the desert have the same affect that these big cities do. The absorption verses reflection ratio in nature will be off balance. Mirrors covering large areas of the desert will have an unbalancing affect not only on animal and vegetation, but also to the amount of heat/radiation that is reflected and absorbed, which has an impact (some say) on Global Warming.
This is a natural event (global warming and cooling) that has happened in the past and will happen in the future. For instance. On the northern side of Mammoth (in
The reader may wish to read A PREVIOUS BLOG I did on this matter that includes the Viking’s and Roman wine making capabilities.
Much Thought, PapaG