Imported from Mass Resistance
...After spending nearly a quarter million dollars of his savings, supported by thousands of parents across America and several foreign countries, covered by national and international media from The O'Reilley Factor to National Public Radio, David Parker could only watch as the US Supreme Court announced Monday that it is refusing to hear his case.
The Court did not even bother to notify the Parkers or their attorneys. On Monday, October 6, the US Supreme Court simply posted a list on the Internet. (See David Parker's statement below.)
![]() | David Parker is led into court in handcuffs on April 28, 2005. |
At issue was the Lexington Schools' aggressive policy of normalizing homosexual behavior to elementary school children and not allowing parents to be notified before or after, or being able to opt-out their kids from it. On April 27, 2005 David Parker was arrested and thrown in jail by school officials over his insistence of being notified regarding his son in kindergarten being taught about homosexual relationships by adults. It immediately made national news. But the school officials would not stop. Months later, Rob and Robin Wirthlin discovered that teachers were reading a book about homosexual romance to their second-grader. In 2006 the Parkers and Wirthlins filed a federal Civil Rights lawsuit against the school.
During that time the school became more hostile to the Parkers, and local liberals and homosexual activists did their best to harass the family.
Links to: Parker's arrest, harassment by liberal activists, filing of lawsuit.
September, 2006: Liberals and homosexual activists lined the streets of Lexington, MA, for a "hate David Parker" rally. |
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Outrageous and insulting rulings by lower courts
The liberal judges in the Boston federal courts reacted harshly. The rulings by the two federal courts on this case were so bizarre that it boggles the mind. The judges denied the Parkers a trial and stated that schools have the right to teach homosexuality to children without parental interference. They also pointed out that gay "marriage" in Massachusetts gives the state the right -- and even the obligation -- to promote homosexual relationships to young children.
On February 23, 2007, Federal District Court Judge Mark Wolf dismissed the case, stating that teaching homosexuality is necessary for to prepare kids for citizenship, and that if parents don't like it they can elect a different school committee or just home school their kids. Judge Mark Wolf dismisses Parkers' suit.
The Parkers appealed. On January 31, 2008, Federal Appeals Court Judge Sandra Lynch issued a rambling decision agreeing with Wolf, and claiming that kids can always just ignore the teachers, and that if parents don't like it they should try to elect different politicians! "If the school system has been insufficiently sensitive to such religious beliefs, the plaintiffs may seek recourse to the normal political processes for change in the town and state." Yeah, right. Judge Sandra Lynch denies appeal.
(Despite the outrageous nature of the issue and the obvious First Amendment implications, there is speculation the Supreme Court judges were reluctant to take on the homosexual movement, taking a cue from many Republican leaders.)
Parker supported far and wide
In the meantime, David Parker was wholeheartedly supported by parents and citizens across the country. He appeared on numerous national television shows and gave speeches on parents rights in several states.
Last year David Parker was invited to speak at a pro-family event in Puerto Rico where over 20,000 people thronged to hear him, giving him a huge show of support. He also was on television and radio throughout the island.
MassResistance report on David Parker in Puerto Rico(with photos)
Parkers have taken their kids out of school - are home schooling
The unrelenting action of the Lexington schools to push homosexuality in the lower grades, as well as the ugly hostility of local liberals toward the Parkers and their children over this incident, has taken its toll. This year the Parkers removed both of their children from the Estabrook Elementary School and have been home-schooling them. Last year the Wirthlins removed their children from the Lexington schools. However, this did not deter the Parkers from pursuing the lawsuit.
Homosexual activists celebrate Supreme Court rejection in juvenile fashion
The immediate reaction by homosexuals has been taunting and derision. For example, one homosexual activist who had often appeared at Parker's court appearances wrote the following on the left-wing "Blue Mass Group" website right after the news broke:
"This case has been one of my obsessions and I can't restrain a giggle. In January, when the two couples lost in U.S. District Court in Boston, they said they were headed to the high court . . . by the time this dirty snowball rolled into federal court, they hoped to establish the right of parents to determine what their kids are exposed to in public schools. Today's Supremes decision could be a resounding clank of a closing lid on that."
Expect a lot more of this.