Saturday, June 16, 2007

Sex-Ed Progressive Style (i.e., Democrat)

Secular Progressive/Liberal Morals are DANGEROUS!

Especially for Children!

Bill O’Reilly Talks About It

Dennis Miller Talks About It

Parents who do not get involved in this Left/Right problem will end up paying with their children’s health and mind.

….Sen. Steve Johnson, R-Fort Collins, signed the letter.

"This is ludicrous. Here we have a school that actually required students to attend an assembly where they were urged to try sex and drugs," he said. "Is that really the biggest challenge we face with today's youth – getting them to try sex and drugs? It's like the people in charge over there are operating in some alternative universe."

It was comments from forum panelist Joel Becker, a psychologist from UCLA, that sparked the most outrage.

"I am going to encourage you to have sex and encourage you to use drugs appropriately," Becker said. "Why I am going to take that position is because you are going to do it anyway," he continued. "I think as a psychologist and health educator, it is more important to educate you in a direction that you might actually stick to. So, I am going to stay mostly on with the sex side because that is the area I know more about. I want to encourage you to all have healthy, sexual behavior."

Lawmakers noted that majority Democrats in the state legislature have decided to impose a mandatory comprehensive sex education plan on students, but refused to adopt a Republican bill setting statewide standards for math and science knowledge.

"Instead of giving more Colorado high school grads a shot at succeeding in college or the job market, some House Democrats decided that kids needed to know even more about contraception," said Sen. Josh Penry, R-Fruita. "As we could see in Boulder, kids are already getting plenty of indoctrination on sex." ….

WND article

Another example of how parents are held in contempt by left leaning school officials.

….Administrators at North Newton High School in Newton, Mass., have held a seminar for students that explained how to know they are homosexual, but banned parents from attending.

"It's absolutely insane," parent Brian Camenker, who also is chief of the Mass Resistance organization, said. "I met with the principal. She told me no parents are allowed. She said only by invitation. I asked, 'Can I be invited.' She said, 'No.'"

The event, called "ToBeGlad Day," was the school's "Transgender Bisexual Gay Lesbian Awareness Day," and students were given a pamphlet that explains what it means to be "gay," tells students how they are supposed to know if they are "gay," and responds to the question, "Will I ever have sex?"

News of the event comes just a day after WND reported on a case at Deerfield High School in Deerfield, Ill., where school officials ordered their 14-year-old freshman class into a "gay" indoctrination seminar, after having them sign a confidentiality agreement promising not to tell their parents.

"This is very, very scary stuff," Camenker said. "The pamphlet also lists places kids can go to meet homosexuals. How would something like this affect a kid who might be going through a confused and vulnerable time in his life? Well the school isn't interested in what YOU think." ….

WND article