Sunday, April 01, 2007

Creation, God Guided, or Evolution
(click on it to enlarge... and again)

The Newsweek poll shows that only 13% actually believe all that naturalistic evolution and its science teachers espouse. 48% believe in a young-earth. And 30% believe in theistic-evolution. So if you combine theistic-evolutionists and young-earthers, you have a population of 78% that believe in a personal God. Remember, there is no personal God in pantheistic worldviews (Hinduism, Buddhism, Taoism, Confucianism, and the like). Yet, any stance in the classroom about either Intelligent design or mere criticisms of evolution (ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny, the fossil horse series, the peppered moth story, fossil gaps, and the like) are not allowed.

Yet most of America refuse to give in to philosophical naturalism. Awesome! Thanks Hot Air