Saturday, February 03, 2007

More Democrat Anti-Semitism

The Democrats had a “moderate” Muslim, Imam Al-Husainy, to open up the Democratic National Committee’s winter meeting with a prayer. However, this “moderate” Muslim is no moderate. And may I entreat people to watch the undercover video footage off to the right (6-parts) that are hidden footage from Britains “moderate” mosques.

But make no mistake. Imam Al-Husainy is no moderate. He was an advisor to the late Mohammed Bakr Al-Hakim, leader of the Iran-backed Supreme Council for the Islamic Revolution. He's allied with the mainstream of Iraq's Shia Islam, which is terrorizing and driving out the few Christians left there.

Friday Night, Associated Press quoted Al-Husainy's teenage son, Ali Al-Najjar:

This is the first time I've seen my dad this happy.

But I've seen him this happy on several occasions.

This past summer, Al-Husainy seemed very happy leading almost-daily protests of thousands of Hezbollah supporters on the streets of Dearborn and Detroit, swarming with swastikas and anti-Semitic, anti-American signs.

Later, I watched him very much enjoy himself at an anti-Semitic rally of 3,000 Hezbollah supporters at Dearborn's Bint Jebail Cultural Center. He was among several who delivered hate-filled, anti-American rhetoric. I watched him cheer others on when they called for the hastened destruction of the Jews and when they said Americans are "diseased."

  • Debbie Schlussel

  • I wonder if the left would be right there with him chanting away at “America’s ‘occupation’ forces” with these extremists. I’m sure of it. A good theological breakdown of the prayer can be found at Robert Spencer’s site:

  • HERE