Wednesday, April 07, 2010

Monday, April 05, 2010

Michael Medved On Birth Certificate Nonsense - A Liberal 9/11 "truthers" Started This

This subject has hurt the conservative cause. Many man hours were spent on this rather than fighting against Obama's agenda. One case in point is G. Gordon Liddy, whom I enjoy normally. But I would have rather had his voice already sounding the health-care alarm on the Chris Matthew's show rather than this crazy conspiracy stuff: "These Guys are Embarrassing Us!  G. Gordon Liddy Gets Worked by Chris  Matthews on Obama's Birth Certificate." Time and energy lost.

Did Nostradamus Predict Hitler's Rise to Power? Prophecies of Ezekiel Highlighted In Contrast (Pics are Linked Out As Well)

This comes from a larger post from the John Ankerberg site, which itself is pulled from Geisler's, Baker Encyclopedia of Christian Apologetics, under the heading Nostradamus.

Nostradamus (1503-1566) was known by the Latin name of Michel de Notredame or Nostredame. He was graduated from University of Montpellier in France and was a physician and astrologer. He published a book of rhymed prophecies titled Centuries (1555). He is reputed to have predicted accurately the death of Henry II of France and many other things.

According to Andre Lamont, Nostradamus Sees All (“Preface,” 2d. ed., v), “he was well versed in the arts of astronomy, the kabbala, astrology, alchemy, magic, mathematics and medicine.”

Predictions of Nostradamus. Some critics of Christianity hold up Nostradamus as an example of someone who made predictions on the level with those in the Bible, thus canceling the claim of supernatural uniqueness made for biblical prophecy. However, on examination they fall far short of this claim. The predictions of Nostradamus show signs of an occult source and may be explained according to purely natural processes.

A Great California Earthquake. Nostradamus is alleged to have predicted a great earthquake in California for May 10, 1981. This was reported on May 6, 1981, in USA Today. However, no such quake occurred. As a matter of fact, Nostradamus mentioned no country, city, or year. He spoke only of a “rumbling earth” in a “new city” and a “very mighty quake” on May 10 [no year].

Hitler’s Rise to Power. Lamont claims that Nostradamus gave “a prophecy of the coming of Hitler and Nazism in a world divided within itself” (Lamont, 252). However, Hitler is not mentioned and the prediction gives no date and is vague. It reads: “Followers of sects, great troubles are in store for the Messenger. A beast upon the theater prepares the scenical play. The inventor of that wicked feat will be famous. By sects the world will be confused and divided” (ibid.). In this context there is a reference to “Hister” (not Hitler) by Nostradamus (C4Q68), which is obviously a place, not a person. The attempt to read back into this both his name and birthplace is stretched. What is more, Hitler grew up in Linz, Austria, not in any place called Hister.

Quatrain 2-24 reads: “Beasts mad with hunger will swim across rivers, Most of the army will be against the Lower Danube [Hister sera]. The great one shall be dragged in an iron cage when the child brother [de Germain] will observe nothing.”

This is allegedly a prophecy concerning Adolf Hitler. According to followers of Nostradamus, the lower portion of the Danube is known as either “Ister” or “Hister” (Randi, 213), which seems to be close enough to “Hitler” for their purposes.

However, the substitution of “l” for “s” in Hister, and the inversion of “t” and “s,” is totally arbitrary. In another quatrain (4-68), Nostradamus mentions the Lower Danube in conjunction with the Rhine (“De Ryn”). But if “Hister” refers to Hitler, then to what does “De Ryn” refer? Followers of Nostradamus are inconsistent, treating one river as an anagram and taking the other literally. The Latin phrase de Germain should be interpreted “brother” or “near relative,” not “Germany” (Randi, 214). Even if these highly questionable interpretations are allowed, the prophecy is still quite ambiguous. What are we to make of the “Beasts” and the “iron cage”? To say that Adolf Hitler (“the great one”) will be “dragged in an iron cage” while Germany “will observe nothing” is so ambiguous and confusing it renders the entire prophecy meaningless.

Quatrain 4-68 is also alleged to refer to Hitler. It reads: “In the year very near, not far from Venus, The two greatest of Asia and Africa From the Rhine and Lower Danube, which will be said to have come, Cries, tears at Malta and the Ligurian coast.”

As in the previous example, “Lower Danube” is here taken to mean “Hitler.” “The two greatest of Asia and Africa” are taken to refer to Japan and Mussolini, respectively. Thus, the second and third lines refer to the Tripartite Pact between Japan, Italy, and Germany. The fourth is taken as a reference to the bombing of Malta and the bombardment of Genoa (Randi, 215).

In addition to the reasons given above, this prophecy claims these events would take place in a “year very near;” but the Tripartite Pact (1941) came almost 400 years after the prediction. It is not clear how Asia could refer to Japan, and even more so, how Africa could refer to Mussolini or Italy. Again Nostradamus’s followers are inconsistent, for they interpret Asia, Africa, and the Lower Danube figuratively while providing no corresponding interpretation for the Rhine. Finally, this prophecy is ambiguous on the whole. It could be interpreted in various ways so as to fulfill many different events.

The Second World War. According to Lamont, Nostradamus forecast that, after the first World War, the Spanish Civil War, and other wars, a more furious one was foretold—the Second World War, with its aerial warfare and suffering. But no such details are given. It is typically vague and could be easily forecast without any supernormal powers. The passage reads simply: “After a great human exhaustion, a greater one is being prepared. As the great motor renews the centuries, a rain of blood, milk, famine, iron and pestilence [will come]. In the sky will be seen fires carrying long sparks” (Lamont, 168).

Nostradamus’s forecasts are general, vague, and explainable on purely natural grounds. Furthermore, Nostradamus shows clear signs of demonic and occult influence.

False Prophecies. An evident sign of a false prophet is false prophecy (cf. Deuteronomy 18). If Nostradamus’ predictions are taken literally, many are false. If they are not, then they can fit many “fulfillments.” As John Ankerberg put it, “it is an undeniable fact that Nostradamus gave numerous false prophecies” (Ankerberg, 340). Noted Nostradamus scholar Erick Cheetham said flatly of his prognostications in his Almanachs: “Many of these predictions were wrong” (Cheetham, 20). Some interpretations are so diverse that while one claims it is a reference to “Calvinist Geneva,” another believes it refers to “atomic power” (The Prophecies of Nostradamus, 81).

Vague Predictions. The truth is that the vast majority of his prognostications are so ambiguous and vague that they could fit a great variety of events. Consider this one: “Scythe by the Pond, in conjunction with Sagittarius at the high point of its ascendant—disease, famine, death by soldiery—the century/age draws near its renewal” (Centuries 1.6). The lines can be interpreted so as to fit any number of events in the future. When something is judged to be a fulfillment, Nostradamus will seem supernatural. Astrologers and fortunetellers use vague descriptions and imagery all the time. Nostradamus was a master at this art.

Contradictory Interpretations. There is no unanimity among Nostradamus’ interpreters about the meaning of his predictions. This lack of agreement is further proof of their ambiguity and lack of authority. In The Prophecies of Nostradamus the editors note contradictory interpretations (see I, 16; I, 51; II, 41; II, 43; II, 89; III, 97, etc.).

Predictions after the Fact. Nostradamus himself acknowledged that his predictions were written in such a manner that “they could not possibly be understood until they were interpreted after the event and by it” (Randi, 31). There is nothing miraculous about reading a fulfillment back into a prophecy which could not be clearly seen there beforehand. Not a single prediction of Nostradamus has ever been proven genuine. This means that either he is a false prophet or else he was not really seriously claiming to be giving real predictions. Perhaps he was a con artist or a literary prankster.

Tongue-in-Cheek Prophecies? His prognostications were so vague and unproductive that even the encyclopedia of Man, Myth and Magic suggests that “Nostradamus composed them with tongue in cheek, as he was well aware that there is an enduring market for prophecies and particularly for veiled ones” (Cavendish, 2017). As James Randi put it, “The marvelous prophecies of Michel de Nostredame, upon examination, turn out to be a tiresome collection of vague, punning, seemingly badly constructed verses.... From a distance of more than 400 years, I fancy I can hear a bearded Frenchman laughing at the naiveté of his 20th century dupes” (36).

Confessed Demonic Source. Nostradamus admitted demonic inspiration when he wrote: “The tenth of the Calends of April roused by evil persons; the light extinguished; diabolical assembly searching for the bones of the devil (damant—”demon”) according to Psellos” (Lamont, 71). Commenting on this, Lamont noted that “The utilization of the demons or black angels is recommended by ancient writers on magic. They claim that they have much knowledge of temporal matters and, once under control, will give much information to the operator.” He adds, Nostradamus could not have avoided such a temptation” (ibid.).

Various Forms of Occult Practices. Nostradamus was associated with various occult activities. Lamont observes that “Magic—Astrology—Symbolism—Anagrams—[are a] Key to Nostradamus” (ibid., 69). In Centuries, Quatrain 2 is translated: “The wand in the hand seated in the midst of the Branches, He (the prophet) wets in the water both the hem (of his garment) and the foot. A fearfulness and a voice quiver through the sleeves; divine splendor, The Divine is seated near” (ibid., 70). Lamont comments that here “Nostradamus followed the rites of magic according to Iamblichus. It is night—he is seated on the stool or prophetic tripod—a little flame rises. He has the divining rod in his hand” (ibid., 70-71).

In addition to the use of the occult divining rod, Nostradamus was widely known for his knowledge of astrology—another occult practice condemned by the Bible (Deuteronomy 18). But whatever their source, these predictions in no way rival the clear, specific, and highly accurate predictions of Scripture.

Conclusion. There is no real comparison between Nostradamus’ predictions and those of the Bible. His are vague, fallible, and occult. Those of the Bible are clear, infallible, and divine. The Bible made numerous clear and distinct predictions hundreds of years in advance. Nostradamus did not. There is no evidence that Nostradamus was a prophet at all; certainly he was like none in the Bible. Biblical prophecy stands unique in its claim to be supernatural.

J. Ankerberg, et al., Cult Watch
M. Cavendish, “Nostradamus” in Man, Myth and Magic, new ed., vol. 15
E. Cheetham, The Final Prophecies of Nostradamus
A. Kole, Miracle and Magic
A. Lamont, Nostradamus Sees All
M. Nostradamus, Centuries
J. Randi, “Nostradamus: The Prophet for All Seasons,” The Skeptical Enquirer (Fall 1882)
[no editor named], The Prophecies of Nostradamus

Sunday, April 04, 2010

Breaking! 40% of Tea Partiers are Independent and Democrats... oooops

The national breakdown of the Tea Party composition is 57 percent Republican, 28 percent Independent and 13 percent Democratic, according to three national polls by the Winston Group, a Republican-leaning firm that conducted the surveys on behalf of an education advocacy group. Two-thirds of the group call themselves conservative, 26 are moderate and 8 percent say they are liberal. [...]
The group is united around two issues – the economy/jobs and reducing the deficit. They believe that cutting spending is the key to job creation and favor tax cuts as the best way to stimulate the economy. That said 61 percent of Tea Party members believe infrastructure spending creates jobs. Moreover, given the choice Tea Party members favor 63-32 reducing unemployment to 5 percent over balancing the budget.

Counter Sniper Technology (FireArm Blog Story)

Assembly Line of god's False Miracles

As soon as they go down, the catchers throw them and push them off to the side to get the next people in. "God" is very efficient -- "The Fast Food of Healing," so-to-speak. I wonder if he was late for a divorce hearing?

Illinoise Congressman Hank Johnson "Apologizes" for Anti-Constitutional Remarks... Or Does He!?

See original video HERE.

Thanks to a commenter on HotAir about this video... it is pointed out that in this apology you see what seems to be an accidental flipping off... but as you watch, "the bird" becomes more apparent. The conspiracy of the middle-finger begins:

Rick Warren & John Piper... Piper Gives Theological "Thumbs Up" -- Can We Trust Rick However To Tell Him the Truth?

UPDATE: Please, I ask that you include the comment section in your reading and understanding of this post. It is essential that you understand the back-story to this post and not simply dismiss it due to not knowing the full story of Rick Warren and why many out there (me included) are holding his feet to the fire.

As you meander through this post and its links, keep in mind that the whole premise of the emergent church is to be agreeable, at all costs. Keep in mind as well that it was Rick Warren and Bill Hybels who allowed Brian McLaren onto the main stage of American Churches... someone who denies the following:
So there seems to be some backpeddling here. How much of it is noteworthy, I cannot really say. I can say that double-talk in the emerging movement is major, and not minor. I will give two examples from the post "John Piper Promotes Rick Warren..." You be the judge. These two posts I wish to highlight here are:
A great post on Rick Warren popped up on my radar screen. First, it is heartening to hear John Piper go through some of the issues that have been bugging me ("us" -- people who are challenging the emerging movement in their churches and the magnetosphere). I may enlighten you that this is a Messianic Jewish site... a group of people that I love very much. You must keep in mind however, as you read, that there is a cultural rift (not a Doctrinal rift) between our two believing camps. I wish to thank the Rosh Pina Project for the following. It will add to my "Rick Warren" tab.

Here, Rosh Pina points out that there seems to be some disconnect with what Rick Warren tells people, and what he has said in the past:

Piper claims Warren believes in salvation only in Jesus Christ – how does he explain Warren’s comment that it takes “more than faith” to be saved? And Warren’s comments about the “test” God sets every believer?

The question becomes, then: "has Rick Warren lied openly, and publicly... causing one to question Rick's sincerity when talking to one person as compared to another?" Again, Pina:
Have a look at this video on how Warren has angered both sides of the homosexuality debate. Warren’s utter hypocrisy is enough to make any man marvel – surely Piper is aware of this?

Happy Easter To My Brothers and Sisters In the Lord

Democrat Congressman Jim Moran ~ "From Each According To His Ability, To Each According To His Need (Or Needs)" ~ Karl Marx

Just so we know who we are dealing with, here is Jim Moran:


I posted this video a while ago... but I don't want the power of what the Dems are doing to go to waist. So I am re-posting it with HotAir commentary. You, as the voter, should be really upset that the Fed is going to print phantom monies (not in the conspiratorial sense... please) for phantom districts, all the while our dollar looses its strength and inflation will rise.

I think it’s fair to assume that Jason Mattera failed to make a sale of his new book, Obama Zombies: How the Liberal Machine Brainwashed My Generation, in his meeting with Rep. Jim Moran (D-VA).  Jason introduces himself as a constituent from Virginia’s 12 Congressional District, which exists only in the fevered imagination of Porkulus data entry operators, as a way to make a point about the $6.4 billion that got lost in the tracking system for stimulus spending.  When Jason challenges Moran on the issue, it gets ugly very quickly — and Moran’s professional aides keep Moran from making a bad mistake (video by The College Politico):

There is some truth in Moran’s statement, but it’s still a ridiculous dodge.  We’re not talking about a few rounded-up pennies that didn’t get tracked properly.  We’re talking about $6.4 billion dollars that wound up being reported to non-existent CDs like VA-12.  That’s $6,400,000,000, which is more than what Democrats claimed as revenue from revoking that tax credit for employers who kept retirees on their prescription drug plans.  As I wrote at the time, it wouldn’t have taken a database genius to devise an entry system that tested for that kind of bad data, and in the meantime it meant that billions of dollars couldn’t be tracked.

Calling that a “clerical error” is rather jaw-dropping, considering the fortune that went untracked as a result.  Moran’s aide at the end affirmed the obvious: Jason made his point … which is probably why Moran’s other aides had to restrain the Congressman.  Kudos to those aides for handling that situation about as well as they could.