Friday, March 20, 2009

New Wine -- Here It Is: Judge Not the Annointed (Crowder & Dunn)

Adapted quote: "Do not debate others about our movement, get off the blogs, get off the chat rooms..." We are called "Heresy Hunters," just like the Word Faith teachers who call those who judge doctrine. Underneath this video is another video of Ben Dunn and the failed attempt to witness to two Jewish young men. What a loss of an opportunity. If you watch the mannerisms of these two guys, you can tell they think these guys are a joke... I concur.

Religious Devils #2 - John Crowder & Ben Dunn

Holy Ghost Hijacking in Jerusalem

John Crowder & Ben Dunn "Get Arrested"

Club Church... Ben Dunn & John Crowder Speaking in Tongues and "Drunk"