Monday, November 05, 2007

Obama and the Pledge of Allegiance / National Anthem

Obama Unpatriotic?

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I got an e-mail about Obama with this photo of him not placing his hand over his heart during the Pledge of Allegiance. In fact, the video below shows it isn’t the Pledge of Allegiance, but in fact it is the National Anthem. One must keep in mind though that he should have still had his hand over his heart during this “rendition” (massacre) of the Anthem.

The U.S. Flag Code does state however that:

“During a rendition of the national anthem when the flag is displayed all except those in uniform should stand at attention facing the flag with the right hand over the heart.”


This being said… these guys and gals are flying all over the country, staying up late studying responses to possible questions, memorizing speeches, and the like. They are tired and jet lagged. Not only are the all of the above, but they constantly have cameras on them 24/7. So a slip up may be caught here and there… in other words I want to extend the benefit of the doubt to Obama. There has been a lot of misleading e-mails about him, like him not being sworn into office on a Bible, that was a false e-mail. Obama has led the pledge in front of the Senate, he has never been filmed either not saying the pledge or not putting his hand over his heart. This says a lot. Not this one instance where he might have genuinely forgot.

It is interesting to note though that all the other candidates aren’t tired enough to show respect to Ol’ Glory, and there wasn’t a big stink about them not wearing a flag lapel pin. So the real motive may be in fact that his churches influence is kicking in. Remember, Obama goes to a church that is deeply involved in Liberation Theology. So I do believe (via his churches influence) that Obama may in fact be somewhat “anti-American,” but I am going off of public speeches by his pastor and the churches statement of faith.

Below is the video of the event, and underneath that is a YouTuber mentioning Obama not respecting the Pledge. He is wrong, but the Red Skelton bit is amazing!

Obama doesn’t place hand over heart during the National Anthem

Red Skelton on the Meaning of the Pledge – Very Moving, and Prophetic!!!