Sunday, November 22, 2009

Bill Clinton Blames Keith Olbermann for Having to Skip Charity Event -- Blue On Blue

(By Noel Sheppard) A major charitable event is happening in Little Rock, Arkansas, Saturday, and former Bill Clinton apparently will not be in attendance because MSNBC's Keith Olbermann has politicized it on his "Countdown" program.

As Arkansas News reported hours ago, "Nine hundred people or more will get free medical attention from noon to 7 p.m. at the Statehouse Convention Center."

Unfortunately, according to the liberal website FireDogLake, Clinton has decided not to attend as a result of some of the things Olbermann has done on his program related to this event (h/t Hot Air):

Bill Clinton told FDL’s Eve Gittelson that it would be problematic for him to attend a free medical clinic being held in Little Rock, Arkansas tomorrow because MSNBC’s Keith Olbermann had “politicized” the event.” He indicated that some were turning the event into a primary kickoff against Arkansas Sen. Blanche Lincoln.
Eve ran into Clinton Thursday in the gift shop of the Clinton Library.  She’s in Arkansas covering the Keith Olbermann’s free clinic event, organized by the National Association of Free Clinics.  The former President is in town for the 5th anniversary of the Clinton Library.
Eve told Clinton that she was in town for the clinic, which at least 1,500 patients are expected to attend. Clinton said that he had heard about it.
"I really wanted him to come," she said. "So I made my pitch."
Clinton responded that  Olbermann was politicizing the clinic, and that it wasn’t helpful for Olbermann to do that.  He said he did not feel he could show up now, because the event had turned political.
Clinton replied that the event was becoming political, and that it was clear what was happening:  a primary of Blanche Lincoln.
Olbermann, who has invited his viewers to contribute to the National Association of Free Clinics in advance of the event, has said on his show that “I want Sens. (Blanche) Lincoln and (Mark) Pryor to see what health care poverty is really like in Little Rock.”  Lincoln has met recently with Joe Biden and President Obama, but has yet to agree to vote for debate on health care to proceed in the Senate.
I wonder if Clinton will be Olbermann's "Worst Person in the World" Monday.