Thursday, July 02, 2009

Gallop Poll -- More People Think Democratic Party Too Liberal Than Ever Before (My YouTube)

A new Gallup poll has some interesting results; this year the number of Americans who described the Democratic Party’s views as “too liberal” increased to a historic high mark (46%), putting it slightly ahead of the number who say the Republican Party is “too conservative” (43%).

(The Below Is Imported from HotAir)

Rasmussen’s new poll, taken before the release of June’s unemployment numbers, shows significant slippage for Barack Obama on the economy, his central issue. Only 42% of American voters give him excellent or good marks on handling the economy, the lowest ratings he has yet received. His personal approval rate has fallen to 53%, and the “passion index” has dropped to -2:

The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Thursday shows that 33% of the nation’s voters now Strongly Approve of the way that Barack Obama is performing his role as President. Thirty-five percent (35%) Strongly Disapprove giving Obama a Presidential Approval Index rating of -2. This is the third straight day the Approval Index has been below zero (see trends).

A Rasmussen video report notes that 42% now give the President good or excellent marks for handling the economy . That’s his lowest rating to date …

Overall, 53% of voters say they at least somewhat approve of the President’s performance so far. Forty-six percent (46%) disapprove.

Obama has hit a new high among those rating him fair or poor on the economy at 56%. Just a week ago, 47% approved of his economic policies, as opposed to 50% disapproval, a margin of 3% — a statistical dead heat. Obama had been seen more favorable than not on the economy as late as the second week of May, when he held a 51%-48% advantage.

The demographics of his decline portend more bad news for Obama and his Democratic allies in Congress. Only the youngest voters support him on fiscal policy, and only barely, 52%-46%. Every other age demographic above 30 years of age has majorities now showing disapproval. Independents have begun to run away in massive numbers; they now oppose him 75%-23%, a huge break away from Obama and a sign that his supposed moderate stances have been exposed as shams. Every income level except the lowest also has majorities disapproving of his handling of the economy. Voters outside the “political class” oppose Obama 65%-33%.

Obama doesn’t fare well on national security, either. Rasmussen reports that Obama only has 44% approval on these issues, and 55% opposing him. Majorities of both women and men view him disfavorably. Every income level has majorities opposed to Obama, and independents disapprove 68%-31%. Obama only wins within the $60K-$75K income level; even his base of support among the lowest income earners narrowly reject Obama’s national-security policies, 52%-47%.

Obama isn’t just coming back to Earth in the polling. He’s losing independents and demonstrating his radical bent on policy, and more and more Americans have begun to see it
