Monday, January 08, 2007

Sometimes we forget about the broader “War on Terror” with all the political gun slinging for Iraq for political gain by the democrats. I have imported some article here-and-there about our latest gains against the Islamo-Fascists in the African region. Kenya, Somalia, and Ethiopia have had enough. And now these three African nations are dumping raw data into our military guy’s laps. This raw intelligence and eyes on the ground have culminated with an attack on a target in Somalia. This is no small deal… many think that it is a significant kill of an Al Qaeda operative that may have been a key player in the embassy bombing in Kenya. In Africa you have three major religions fighting for the hearts and minds of the people:

  1. Marxism;
  2. Islam;
  3. and Christianity.

The world would be smart to support the last choice in the list. The following article is linked to Drudge, enjoy:

  • CBS News